Fri, Jun 14 2024

Privacy Policy

Welcome, fellow EWU News users!

At EWU News, we take your privacy seriously and are committed to transparency in how we handle your information. This Privacy Policy provides a comprehensive overview of the data we collect, use, and share when you engage with our platform.

Data We Collect:

  • Account Information: Username, email address, profile picture, bio, and other optional details that contribute to your unique Buzzworthy identity.

  • Content Information: Posts, comments, direct messages, and any accompanying media (text, images, videos) – essentially, the essence of your Buzz.

  • Usage Information: Insights into how you interact with Crowd Buzz, including preferred features, engagement patterns, and time spent on the app.

  • Device Information: Basic technical details about your device, such as type, operating system, and unique identifiers, for optimization purposes.

  • Log Information: A record of your digital trail, encompassing IP address, browser type, and even referring/exit pages, offering valuable context for platform improvement.

Data Usage:

  • Personalization: Crafting a tailored experience by suggesting relevant content, recommending Buzzers to follow, and customizing your feed for maximum enjoyment.

  • Platform Optimization: Analyzing usage patterns, identifying trends, and resolving bugs to continuously enhance the Crowd Buzz experience.

  • Communication:Sending updates, event reminders, and (with your consent) engaging marketing messages to keep you in the Buzz loop.

  • Community Safety:Enforcing our Community Guidelines, preventing disruptive behavior, and cooperating with authorities when necessary, ensuring a positive and legal environment.

Data Sharing:

  • Trusted Vendors: We may share specific data with carefully selected vendors who assist with platform operation and improvement, but only for designated tasks and under strict confidentiality agreements. Think of them as your data security allies.

  • Legal Compliance: In response to a valid warrant or legal requirement, we may be obligated to disclose your information. We value respecting the law, even when its less exciting than Buzzing.

  • Research and Marketing: We may anonymize and share aggregated data for research or marketing purposes. This allows us to gain valuable insights without compromising your individual identity.

Your Control:

  • You reign supreme over your Buzzworthy hive! Adjust privacy settings to control who sees your posts, who can follow you, and what information appears on your profile. Its your personal privacy crown, and we empower you to wear it with confidence.

  • Data Access and Deletion: Access and review your data, and request its deletion at any time. Were here to facilitate your privacy choices.

  • Marketing Opt-In/Out: Choose to receive or decline marketing communications with a simple tap. We respect your inbox space and offer effortless control.

Data Security:

We prioritize robust data security measures, employing firewalls, encryption, and the latest technological advancements to safeguard your EWU News. However, vigilance is key online – even the most secure hive can be vulnerable. Be Buzzworthy smart!

Age Restriction:

Crowd Buzz is for the grown-up Buzzers, 13 and over. We do not collect data from younger users, so your little ones tablets are safe from the Buzz.

Policy Updates:

This Privacy Policy may evolve over time. Well keep you informed with clear updates before any changes take flight.


Were always here to answer your questions and address any concerns. Please reach out – were just a click or call away!

Thank you for choosing Crowd Buzz!

The Crowd Buzz Team