Fri, Jun 14 2024

Terms and Conditions

EWU News: Where the EWU News EWU!

Welcome, fellow EWU News! These are the Terms & Conditions (Terms) that govern your access and use of EWU News, the app where your voice joins the hive and sparks fly! By using EWU News, youre giving us a big, virtual yes to these Terms, so make sure youve read and understood them.

Ready to join the EWU News? Heres what you need to know:

13+ only: Were building a grown-up Buzzhive here, so you got to be 13 or older to join the party.

Your account, your responsibility: Keep your login info safe, its the key to your Buzzworthy kingdom! Were not responsible for what happens under your watch.

Own your Buzz, share the Buzz: You own the awesome (and not-so-awesome) stuff you post, but by sharing it, youre letting us spread the Buzz love (think retweets, shares, the whole shebang).

Keep it positive, keep it legal: Were all about respectful and legal Buzzing. No hate speech, no illegal content, and definitely no Buzz-killing negativity allowed. Check out our Community Guidelines for the full scoop.

Privacy matters: Weve got your back (and your data!). Our Privacy Policy explains how we handle your information. Read it, and if you have questions, let us know!

Dont be a Buzzkill: Play nice, be respectful, and dont do anything that harms EWU News or its users. Think of it as the Buzzhive code of conduct.

Our stuff, our rules: Logos, designs all that cool EWU News stuff? Its ours, so please dont use it without our permission. We like to keep the Buzzhive unique.

We can mute the mic: If you violate these Terms or break the Buzzhive rules, we might have to temporarily silence you or kick you out of the hive. Its not personal, its just Buzzness.

Were not babysitters: What other users do is on them. Use EWU News at your own risk, and remember, online interactions arent always sunshine and rainbows.

We can change the Buzz: These Terms might evolve, so well keep you posted when they do. Just keep an eye out for updates!

Law & Order: If we have any Buzz-ness to settle, itll happen under the laws of [Your Jurisdiction]. Think of it as the official Buzzhive court.

Ready to spread the Buzz? Were here for you!

Got questions, feedback, or just wanna say hi? Hit us up:


Address - 1718 Capitol Ave., Cheyenne, WYWelcome to EWU News, your hub for live streaming 82001

Email -

Phone - (800) 349-9052

Thats all, folks! Now go forth and Buzz responsibly, respectfully, and most importantly, have fun!